The Problem:
Those entering the workforce now or ones who entered recently “won’t come to work for you unless you have the technology and tools they are used to using,” said Jeff McPherson of Irving Materials Inc. (IMI). “We have to equip our new hires with more than just a cell phone and a vehicle.”
While it’s true the next generation expects more automation and faster tools, companies can’t overlook the fundamentals required to meet these high-tech demands.
The industry is saddled with a variety of fractured systems that are often cobbled together because of mergers or acquisitions. In other cases, the software is not entirely compatible with the business. Now that there are better tools that bring this situation to light, companies can’t be complacent about bad data.
The Plan:
Companies must streamline their business processes so modern technology can be exploited.
For example, a mobile CRM (customer relationship management) system will seem essential to young salespeople who are adept at using mobile apps, but an app is only as good as the data that goes into it.
Companies need to put a high value on efficient processes. This is where producers such as IMI are making great strides. “When we talk about U-35s (under 35), we’re really looking at two different audiences: our employees and our customers,” McPherson said. “Both audiences want more information more quickly, and it has to be accurate.”
The Solution:
Find repetitive tasks that can be automated, clean up bad data and bad data entry habits, and make sure systems are truly capturing and relaying the data they should. Once we make the effort to get in shape, technology will in turn improve our business even further.
IMI has invested significant time and energy into improving transparency and providing real-time operational information to employees and customers. Salespeople can manage their quoting process with mobile devices, and their customers have access to a lot of the same information, McPherson said. “We have to make sure we’re supporting this process at every stage of the business — things like improving data entry and response times — to avoid problems.”
IMI recognized the important leadership role its tech-savvy employees can provide when it comes to accepting and adopting new ways of doing business. The producer designates regional “champions” who provide regular feedback on new tools and processes and help train co-workers.
Concrete producers have a lot to offer the next generation of business leaders, and the way we approach technology will play a large part in determining whether we as an industry will meet our full potential. Our industry must commit to doing the hard work it takes, day in and day out, to optimize business processes so we can really benefit from technology. It’s like a training regimen at the gym, with the goal of winning a marathon.