When a Cybersecurity Breach Occurs, Preparation is Paramount

The preparation phase is the last, but not least, step in securing your company’s data. Cybersecurity starts with prevention, which funnels to protection and ultimately ends with preparation. When you’ve reached the preparation phase, it usually means a data breach has occurred. In this article, featured in For Construction Pros, BCMI President Craig Yeack, along with the help of partners, Ozinga and CalPortland, outlines the steps companies need to take when faced with a cybersecurity breach or attack.

This article is the last in a four-part series on cybersecurity and how the construction materials industry can prevent, protect, and prepare for threats and attacks on computer systems and digital assets. 

Part 1: Cybersecurity Should be at the Top of Your List
Part 2: Prevention: Your First Tool in Cybersecurity 
Part 3: Protection: The Second Layer of Your Cybersecurity Plan.