“Use it up, wear it out.” “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” These words of wisdom are essential for survival in a world of scarcity. They make us tough, durable and resilient—and in an industry like ready mixed concrete with razor-thin margins, that matters. But what happens when there is a complete paradigm shift? What happens when Tesla hits the market? Even though we can keep it running, do we hang onto our favorite 2003 Ford truck? Or do we make the leap to a model with Bluetooth, adaptive cruise control, autopilot and more?
Welcome to the dilemma of concrete batching.
In this Tech Trends column from Concrete Products, BCMI’s Craig Yeack addresses the questions many of today’s producers are facing: Do we stick with a batching system that does a “good enough” job, or do we upgrade to one that runs masterfully, with improved accuracies and uptime? And, what would either decision cost us?